What's the Intraweb saying about walterwigglecheeks.blogspot.com?

In a recent self-critique, the blog was described as:
"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

When asked for comment about the blog, a fellow student responded:
"I like pizza." - A. Tidwell-Neal

What does the "essence" of the blog say about the blog?:
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm watching my show." - C. $

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Scott Hamilton

Seeing that the 'Couv Olympics ended today, we at the blog did some reflecting and decided to write about the one  thing that truly stuck out during these Winter Olympics.  We are, of course, referring to the figure skating commentary of Scott Hamilton.  Hamilton was as emotional as he was bald (if not more so).  Every single jump drew the same level of emotion and it was impossible to distinguish if Hamilton was disgusted or supremely impressed.  Even the Poo Bird chimed in about his commentary.  She would repeatedly say, "This Brian O'Brian guy needs to chill out."  By Brian O'Brian she meant Brian Boitano, another male U.S. figure skating icon.  Despite the fact that she was confusing Brian Boitano with Scott Hamilton, her analysis stands strong.  Hamilton did indeed need to chill out. (click here for evidence of his excitement)

What is clear is that Scott Hamilton is passionate about skating.  We at the blog wish to thank him for sharing his passion with us and we can think of no better way to thank him than naming a drink after him.  But what drink?  We at the blog feel it would be most appropriate to incorporate previous drinks we have named after people.

The John Daly
- for those unfamiliar with John Daly, he is a pro golfer known for hitting the long ball (aka feeding the big dog).  He is also known for smoking a cig while playing and wearing crazy pants.  (as a homework project, this blogger gives everyone the assignment to do a google image search of 'Jon Daly pants'...you wont be disappointed.)
- The drink we made up: A John Daly is a combination of beer and sparks, it screams class and energy just like its namesake.

The Harold Reynolds
- Harold Reynolds is a former baseball player and ESPN analyst who got fired for hitting on an intern while not wearing pants.
- The drink we made up: A Harold Reynolds is a John Daly, drank while not wearing pants.

The Scott Hamilton
- Our newest concoction.  The Scott Hamilton drink shall be a John Daly (beer and sparks) in which after every sip you must moan loudly in agony or delight after each sip.  People will not know whether you've been poisoned or are drinking the finest drink the world has ever known.

Here's to Scott Hamilton, cheers.  (oooohhhh eeeeekkk aaaaccccchhhhh)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Correction: while I did repeatedly mistake Scott Hamilton for Brian Boitano, I only mistook Brian Boitano for Brian O'Grady once... who I mistook for someone named Brian O'Brian.

    So really any one could have made the same mistake.

  3. Carobaby I'm disappointed. Scott Hamilton is an american legend. Then again, you didn't grow up wanting to be a figure skater and having your mom tell you that "honey you don't exactly have the right build, maybe ice hockey?!"

  4. There's still hope for you Moo; I believe in you.
