What's the Intraweb saying about walterwigglecheeks.blogspot.com?

In a recent self-critique, the blog was described as:
"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

When asked for comment about the blog, a fellow student responded:
"I like pizza." - A. Tidwell-Neal

What does the "essence" of the blog say about the blog?:
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm watching my show." - C. $

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Problem Solved

We at the blog have solved the question of what happened to the missing piece of the pie graph.  It was an honest mistake.  Our old buddy the Hoff stopped by the headquarters and mistook the pizza section of the pie graph for a real piece of pizza.  Surveillance cameras caught the image below.  Boy is he embarrassed, and drunk.  (just by reading his lips you can tell he was about to say, "shhheeeesh, thisss pizzaaa tasssstes like a piee graphhh.")

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