What's the Intraweb saying about walterwigglecheeks.blogspot.com?

In a recent self-critique, the blog was described as:
"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

When asked for comment about the blog, a fellow student responded:
"I like pizza." - A. Tidwell-Neal

What does the "essence" of the blog say about the blog?:
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm watching my show." - C. $

Friday, February 26, 2010


We all know that our friends at the Jersey Shore have their own G.T.L. (Gym, Tan, Laundry) that they all do everyday.  But we at the blog asked members of the Lake Michigan Shore what their G.T.L.s were.  Here are their responses.

Mike, a.k.a. "the stimulation" said his G.T.L. is "Gel (for his hair), Turkey Sandwiches, Ladies."

Kirky D, who knows better than to be "the stimulation's" wingman, said his G.T.L. is "Grubbin, Tootin, and Loungin."

Sconnie (Wisconsin's Ronnie), who dares anyone to come at these beef pipes bro', said his G.T.L. is "Gabies (men's bum cheeks), Top-shorts (aka t-shirts), Laying (on his belly playing computer games)."

Minnie (Minnesota's Vinnie), loves fist pumping to Soulja Boy and Sarah Bareilles, said his G.T.L. is "Gatorade, Toppers (pizza), and Liquor."

C-Woww, likes HAM...and WATER, says her G.T.L. is "Gorgeous, Terrorizing (Kirk), Lip Cuddles (a.k.a. kissing)."

Bootsy Sweetheart, he's the cutest cat you've ever seen, says his G.T.L. is "Gnawing (on chew toys), Tummy rubs, Licking himself."

Snookole,  the Princess of Potawatomi, says her G.T.L. is "Giggling, Taking cats to emergency rooms, and Larceny (we know about the wine bottle at Malpo Ball)."

1 comment:

  1. I would like to commend the author for this blog entry, A+
