What's the Intraweb saying about walterwigglecheeks.blogspot.com?

In a recent self-critique, the blog was described as:
"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

When asked for comment about the blog, a fellow student responded:
"I like pizza." - A. Tidwell-Neal

What does the "essence" of the blog say about the blog?:
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm watching my show." - C. $

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Weekly Awards

This is a special Tuesday edition of the weekly awards.  The awards are usually given out Monday but these awards are so special that I figured I should wait until Tuesday to let the suspense build.  (or my blog secretary (myself) forgot to remind me yesterday that it was time for the weekly awards).

Poo Bird nickname of the week: Queen Yu-Na
- Queen Yu-Na is a derivative of Kim Yu-Na, the Korean figure skater.  However, the Poo Bird didn't think that Kim was a cute enough nickname so she requested that it be changed to Queen.

Name mix-up of the week: Tie
- Queen Yu-Na, while somewhat heated, called this blogger "Christen," which is of course one of her sisters' name and not the name of this blogger.
- In a humiliating moment, this blogger, after having a good laugh at being called Christen, accidentally called the cat, "Caroline," which is of course not his name.

Awkward moment of the week: trying to plug a power cord into the electric outlet below the desks in the classrooms at the law school.
- due to the extremely close proximity of seats (in room 239 especially) and the placement of the electrical outlets on the floor below the desks, it is virtually impossible to avoid placing your face in the lap of the person sitting next to you.  While this is awkward enough when it is a stranger sitting next to you, the problem is enhanced when its someone you know (Joey Eastside) who makes no effort to get out of the way.  (I may have even detected a slight hip thrust in the general direction of my head, I don't know for sure, I've been trying to block it out).

Best train impersonation: law students after climbing three flights of stairs while eating powdered sugar covered donuts.
- it is undisputed that nothing breathes harder than a law student after climbing three flights of stairs while lugging heavy book bags (some weighing in excess of 105lbs, right T-Mick).
- combine the mouth-breathing students gasping for air, with free donuts in the basement, and a need to finish eating the donut before entering class and the result is a train of law students puffing powdered sugar smoke as they climb the stairs.  (had I been able to keep up with the brisk pace I would have joined the train, but due to my limited top-end walking speed, I just observed as the train passed by, and I tried not to get hit with the powdered sugar debris).

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