What's the Intraweb saying about walterwigglecheeks.blogspot.com?

In a recent self-critique, the blog was described as:
"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

When asked for comment about the blog, a fellow student responded:
"I like pizza." - A. Tidwell-Neal

What does the "essence" of the blog say about the blog?:
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm watching my show." - C. $

Sunday, March 28, 2010

And we're back

We at the blog have returned from our trip to California.  For those with blogger withdrawal, I recommend getting some Ian's pizza.  While it serves no medical purpose in curing blogger withdrawal it certainly is delicious.  We at the blog hope to provide some well crafted blog posts in the near future to make up for lost time.

We'll start out by sharing some tidbits from our trip.  The trip started off beautifully, with the poo birds posing by the Hollywood sign.

We felt that a prom-style pose was in order.  Only a formal pose would suffice in the presence of such grandeur.  After stopping for this shot, things went down hill, literally.  The rented blog mobile decided that power steering was overrated and decided to shut it off while the blogger was navigating the Hollywood hills.  This caused the blogger to have a little bird poo in his pants (his first of several encounters with bird poo on the trip).  (Also, please note that when traveling from the arctic north to warm weather locations, do not wear white clothing on your first few days because the locals will mistake you for ghosts because of the combination of your pastiness and white clothing make you glow.)

Because Poo Birds are migratory creatures, the locals must have known we were coming as they were prepared to challenge the Poo Bird  and her yawning prowess.  (or it could have been that the blogger instigated several challenges).

Here, the blogger teams up with the only animal higher on the yawn hierarchy than the Poo Bird in an effort to inspire a yawn showdown.  Somehow, the Poo Bird figures out that this isn't a real Hippo and she avoids a yawn-off competition.

Later, the Poo Bird exercises dominion over those below her on the yawn hierarchy.  The Sea Lions didn't even put up a fight.

However a new, previously unconsidered, challenger steps up.  We never considered rock formations on the aggressive yawn hierarchy, but clearly La Jolla Cave wants a piece of the bird as it is clearly mocking her in the background of this picture. 

(seeing that this is a new challenger, my GPS had particular difficulty pronouncing its name.  Actually pronounced, as Luh Hoya, the GPS instead went with Lay Jolls for some reason.  It was one of many histerical mis-speaks.)

Poo Bird was not happy about these rock formations challenging her yawning prowess, so she went in for the kill.

The blogger, hoping to avoid conflict, attempted to subdue the Poo Bird, by squishing her

When it was clear this tactic was not going to stop the Poo Bird, the blogger decided to supervise the competition from a safe distance.

The Bird unleashed a yawn, and even included a slightly mocking tongue extension toward the rock formation.

Needless to say, the rock crumbled in defeat and the Poo Bird emerged victorious.

We had a great trip and are happy to announce that the Poo Bird's standing in the aggressive yawn hierarchy remains in tact.  Thank goodness we didn't run into Brook Shields, that would've been quite the showdown and would likely have resulted in more bird poo in the blogger's undergarments. 

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