What's the Intraweb saying about walterwigglecheeks.blogspot.com?

In a recent self-critique, the blog was described as:
"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

When asked for comment about the blog, a fellow student responded:
"I like pizza." - A. Tidwell-Neal

What does the "essence" of the blog say about the blog?:
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm watching my show." - C. $

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thoughts on guest blogger

Joey Eastside, followed the Poo Bird's courageous lead and dove headfirst into the world of guest blogging. He was inspired by the Scott Hamilton drink post and came up with some other celebrity drinks. The drinks are presented in a recipe format in the previous post. Had we at the blog been more proficient at editing HTML (or as we at the blog like to call it, hyper-text-markup-language, yeah I knew that off the top of my head, what up!) we would have added onto his post rather than adding a second post. Anyway, we at the blog appreciate his efforts and enthusiasm to join in the blogging festivities. We at the blog have inside market research about our readers and know that the majority of the readers are females. This being said, we at the blog feel that many of the references made about the celebrity drinks may not be fully appreciated and understood (no offense ladies, but I'm right aren't I?) Additionally, Joey Eastside took an aggressive and more "adult" approach than we at the blog typically aim for with our content. I hope the readers did not faint after reading such aggressive blogmanship.

I do have a few questions/comments about the drinks.
- Is there any combining of drinks allowed? For instance, if I had a Tiger Clemens (combo of the Tiger Woods and Roger Clemens) would I have to take an Ambien rectally?
- I make my Minnesota Viking drinks with a few different ingredients, mine is:
1/2 cup excitement, 2 tablespoons victory, 1 cup awesomeness, served over glory, and garnished with 2 packer beatdowns.

One last question, what was Joey Eastside drinking this night?
My guess would be a Carl Lewis, as it looks like he's warming up his vocalizer, but maybe he can confirm otherwise.  (it also looks like Tidwell just took a Roger Clemens in the background)

1 comment:

  1. Given I don't remember this picture being taken, I can neither confirm nor deny I was having a Carl Lewis. However, I think it's more likely I was partaking of a Jo-Cats special (which is an animal all of its own) following the PILS auction.

    Also, I agree Tidwell is probably taking a Roger Clemens at this time, and it's good to see Colin upright and his testicles, presumably, still vomit-free at this point in the evening.
