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"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Future Hair Trends

We at the blog love and adore both the mustache and the mullet.  However, both hair designs have already reached superstar status.  Anytime you have a french band and crayons dedicated to a hair design, what more can be achieved?

A special thanks to Colin for finding these examples of lip ticklers.
The mullet has not had the consistent performance over time as that of the mustache, but its popularity comes and goes with tenacity.  This blogger can't imagine it getting any better than Jared Allen's mullet, so people should probably stop trying for a while.

Considering that the popularity of the mustache and the mullet are peaking, we at the blog are wondering what ridiculous hair trends will take center stage in the future.  We of course have strong feelings about this and will share our predictions.

Prediction #1: The mustache and the mullet are too awesome to ever not be popular.  So, they will adapt to find new ways of expressing themselves.
- Perhaps the mullet gets tired of always having business be in the front and the party in the back.  Maybe the front mullet comes into style.

(Kate Gosselin has been the spokeswoman for the front mullet but has proven way to uncool to bring it to prominence).

Rosie O'Donnel has killed any momentum the side mullet has of ever being cool.

Rihanna, after reading this blog and realizing that side mullets aren't cool, decided to go half mohawk and half side mullet.  It was a nice try and I respect her effort to evolve the mullet but man is that an awful haircut.

- Mustaches come in all shapes and sizes but are limited to living on the faces of junior high kids, hipsters, business professionals, adult actors, cool dads and some women whose vision has declined.
- We at the blog feel that for continued growth (pun intended) the mustache and the mullet need to expand their repertoire of where they grow.
- We feel that animals and babies are a great place to start.  What is more ridiculous than an animal or baby rocking a mullet or mustache?

Prediction #2:  Other types of hair will step up their game to new levels of awesomeness.  We at the blog feel that men's body hair is a huge untapped resource and will likely be a force to deal with in the future of ridiculous hair trends.
-  Side burns are decent creatures but lack explosive potential.  This blogger's mom has been rocking tri-burns (triangle sideburns) for years but for some reason the trend has not gone further than other moms trying to steal her look.

(please also note that the blogger's mom is making an attempt to bring ribbon mullets into style but for some reason that has yet to catch on either)

-  The prime candidate to take the throne is body hair.  Here are a few options that we at the blog think may be the next big thing.
- Chest hair bow tie.  (Kudos to the bird for this one).  If a guy were to trim his chest hair into the shape of a bow tie he is certain to become a legend and the trend would blowup immediately.  (This blogger would do it but his chest resembles chiseled marble so he is not a candidate.)
- Chest hair bra.

(This pioneer is certainly on the right track)

- Chest hair suspenders.
- Back hair jersey number.

- arm hair wristbands
- leg hair socks
- and endless other body hair possibilities
We at the blog can't wait to see what sprouts up in the future.


  1. Kudos to the blogger and graphics department. You are a real maven of future hair movements.

  2. It seems your body hair trend is taking off, as evidenced by a picture I took at opening day where a super-fan shaved his head so the brewers logo appeared on the back of his head... i was going to post the pic in this comment but i was unable to do so :(

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