What's the Intraweb saying about walterwigglecheeks.blogspot.com?

In a recent self-critique, the blog was described as:
"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

When asked for comment about the blog, a fellow student responded:
"I like pizza." - A. Tidwell-Neal

What does the "essence" of the blog say about the blog?:
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm watching my show." - C. $

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Video Montage

We at the blog apologize for the lack of posts lately.  School is once again getting in the way of my blogging.  You all know the ole' saying a picture is worth a thousand words, well we at the blog feel that video montages are worth a thousand blog posts.  So in an effort to "catch up" with my blogging duties, please enjoy this video montage of a bunch of jerks falling off boats.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pic Post

We at the blog would like to introduce a new feature on the blog.  It's called the 'Pic Post.'  Pic Post is short for, 'Picture Post.'  'Picture Post' is short for, 'Pictures of funny/ridiculous things blog readers have submitted to be posted in an upcoming blog entry.'  What types of pics/vids are we looking for?  Anything that will put a little wiggle in our cheeks.  We are especially hopeful for pics of the following:
- mullets
- mustaches
- aggressive yawns
- bulldogs
- new hair trends (especially body hair)

Note, pictures you actually take are preferred over those found on the intraweb.  Additionally, if you can get in the picture that is even better.  So, if you see any of our targeted items take out your mobile digital cellular phone and snag a shot of it.  Then send it to walterwigglecheeks@gmail.com and I'll post it.

Here are some initial Pic Posts to get us started.

Nicole found this beauty at the Brewers opening day game.

It is the Milwaukee Brewer's logo shaved into some dude's head.  I'm not sure whether it classifies as a mini-mullet or a new hair trend.
It's questionable whether a shaved head classifies as "business in the front," but there certainly is one hell of a "party in the back." 

Caroline had a quick trigger in San Diego after spotting this bulldog.  She screamed "Walter!!," as she quickly got her camera out.  Nice job Poo Bird.

Here is an example of creative interpretation on a pic post.  After seeing an icon in the mustache industry's star on the Hollywood walk of fame, the blogger's first instinct was to get a picture using a finger-stache to pay tribute to him.

Please note that I will put a reminder to send pics in the sidebar of the blog.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Weekly Awards

Hey birdwatchers. It is time we at the blog got back in the habit of handing out weekly awards. So here they are.

Nickname of the week: Chubby Winston
 - the Poo Bird decided to start calling the blogger a Chubby Winston.  While I do not approve of the message it conveys it is definitely an excellent nickname.
- Language of origin: PooBirdian
- Sample Sentence: Hey Chubby Winston, I sure could use something to drink.
- Part of speech: adjective, noun, insult, compliment, tomfoolery

Song of the week: Blah, blah, blah by stupid Ke$ha.  (emphasis added)
- While the blogger typically enjoys songs meant for tweens (miley), he holds a special spot in his heart butt for Ke$ha. 
- Blogger's rendition: shesmanitanishiwa blah, blah, blah
- Blogger's rendition #2: raul pa tini ha blah, blah, blah
- Blogger's rendition #3: I like to eat pizza blah, blah, blah
- Actual lyrics: I want more sauerkraut blah, blah, blah (note this is a guess because nobody can actually understand Ke$ha.)
- Poo Bird tells me the real words are: Stop ta ta talkin' 'bout blah, blah, blah.
- always an indication of great songwriting when you repeat part of a word to fill space.  May I recommend stop sa sa singin' 'bout blah, blah, blah.

Website of the week: www.michaelscola.com
- For those unaware, one of the blog reader's name is Michael Scola.  However, this is not him, or is it?  I didn't notice anything on there about chest workouts, friendship, keeping hydrated, or steak, but perhaps he just needs to update the website.

Dart thrower of the week: Blufkin Shannahan
- Lord Blufkin loves tossin' darts.  He values power over precision.  If you ever have a chance to view his full windmill release, do not pass up the opportunity.  While he is equally likely to impale someone across the room as he is to hit the dart board, one thing is certain, the dart tips will break and Blufkin will give a shrug indicating his disapproval for the shotty dart construction.   But Blufkin will have the last laugh because chicks dig the hard throw. 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Torontosaurus Rex - Button Fixed

It has come to my attention that I am not the HTML wizard I hold myself out to be. I believe Greg from tech support has the problem fixed. Go ahead and click the button and say the password and you should be good to go. We at the blog apologize for the inconvenience.

Torontosaurus Rex

While traveling on our trip to California, the Poo Bird and I were on some red eye flights and needless to say I had one tired Bird on my hands. When sleep deprived we all do some ridiculously stupid/excellent things. Poo Bird was particularly tired. For some reason we were talking about dinosaurs and the Bird was having one heck of a time thinking about what T-Rex stood for. Her initial guess was that it stood for Torontosaurus Rex. Realizing her mistake that not all dinosaurs come from Canada, she quickly corrected herself stating that she meant Terasaurus Rex. Did I mention she was tired. Well, so was I and I had a nasty case of the giggles. My problem was not helped by the fact that the woman at the desk said over the microphone that she wished to speak to passenger Doloris Areola. I was not able to breath for a good 5 minutes after that. However, to hear the really ridiculous thing that happened, the readers will have to bear with me as I indulge in some extreme nerdery.

We at the blog are constantly pushing the limits of science and technology. The blogger read about this cool technology about voice passwords and wants to give it a try. To sum it up, a reader on a website speaks a password into their microphone and then "unlocks" whatever is being kept secret. I think it is similar technology to the Shizam application for the iPhone. I had to paste a whole bunch of HTML garbage in the behind the scenes area of the blog. So, my little guinea pigs, what you need to do is click the button then you'll have five seconds to speak the password into your microphone, then the rest of the blog entry will unlock.

The password is: Poo Bird.