What's the Intraweb saying about walterwigglecheeks.blogspot.com?

In a recent self-critique, the blog was described as:
"Easily the most beautifully crafted body of blogmanship this world has ever known." - K. Allen

When asked for comment about the blog, a fellow student responded:
"I like pizza." - A. Tidwell-Neal

What does the "essence" of the blog say about the blog?:
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm watching my show." - C. $

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blog Backlog

Readers have been dropping subtle hints that it is time to get the blog up and running again. The blogesquire* has decided to share a few of the polite requests. They are as follows:

~ "Update the blog you moron." ~ Terryline** George
~ "I will throw a block of cheese at your head if you don't start blogging." ~ Amanda Barber
~ "I will punch you right in that beautiful face of yours and pinch you very hard in those amazing biceps if you don't start blogging again." ~ Conversation with myself
~ "You know what would go great with this Pizza? A side of blog, and perhaps more pizza." Andy Tidwell-Pizza

You bleaders (blog readers) are a passionate bunch and I respect the hell out of you for that.

Here are a few awards to satisfy you anal bleaders*** until I can think of some blog-worthy material.

Brain Fart of the week: Mincond
- mincond is a combination of minute and second. Terryline introduced the blogosphere to the word when she accidentally told the blogesquire to wait a mincond. The blogesquire was overjoyed at the mistake and immediately shat himself that very mincond.
- runner-up: 300 yide drarve. (the blogesquire was quite proud of a drive in a recent round of golf (aka he fed the big dog an ample serving of beef) and he decided to tell the other players that he had hit a 300 yard drive but his mouth failed to cooperate stating instead that he had hit a 300 yide drarve and he immediately undid any coolness he had achieved with his mammoth beef slap).

Awkward moment on a big screen: Brace Face Tween at Twins Game.
- Between innings at a Twins game, there was a tween girl with braces jamming out extremely hard to the song "Bulletproof" by La Roux.  Her jam session ended extremely quickly once she realized she was on the big screen.  She went from Bulllletttproooof to hooorrriiiffffiiieeedddd quickly and it was very awkward for everyone.
- had the child wearing a tent to the game been on the big screen he could've won this award.

Custom license plate of the week:

- In case you can't read it, it says "N Yo Face."  I found this beaut outside of a Walmart.  It was one of the classier license plates I came across.  The driver looked exactly how you would picture someone with a license plate that says "N Yo Face," to look like.

* blogesquire is a self-given blogging name.  (pronounced blo-guess-qui-re, or just blog-esquire if you're lame).  It was chosen to show that the blogger is both a jerk who gives himself a nickname, and also a licensed lawyer in Wisconsin.  Other nicknames that were considered were: Attorney at blaw, Blattorney, Attoger, blogtorney, and Counselor de la blogga.

** The name Terryline is the nickname of my dreams, literally.  During one of my dreams I said, "Hey Caroline,"  and in my dream Caroline responded, "Who's Caroline?  I'm Terryline."  Needless to say I found this so amusing in my dream that I woke myself up laughing.

***Please note that the term anal bleaders refers to a group of of blog readers who pay close attention to detail.  The term unfortunately has other connotations which are purely coincidental.

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